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Once upon a time, a friend asked me to help her with her wedding.

After browsing Pintrest for ideas, we discovered cupcake bouquets. The idea was perfect for her wedding. She wanted a no fuss wedding reception, so cupcakes had been on her mind all along. But, when we saw the images on Pintrest, she turned to me and said, "If anyone can do this for me, it will be you." Challenge accepted.

As a kid, I remember winning a cake baking contest at school on Valentine's day, and when I had to talk about World War II in history class, I baked a cake with a map of the world on it so that I could cut it up and divide it out among the parties. If I could do that, certainly, as an adult, I could figure out how to make these beautiful cupcake creations.

After a bit of research, I settled on how to make the frame and started practicing on how to decorate cupcakes. I watched YouTube and TikTok videos to learn how to make beautiful flowers. And then, I put the first bouquet together. Wow! I was amazed. The cupcake flowers looked so real and so beautiful. They were fun to make and delighted the recipient. 

Over time, I perfected the frame and even came up with a patented frame which will be available in the future. I also figured out how to deal with the top-heavy centerpiece, how to make it easier to lift the cupcakes, found the prefect recipes and ingredients, and finally, launched Cupcake Centerpieces.

It is my hope that more people will be delighted by these truly beautiful and delicious creations, that their day or event be made more special by the Cupcake Centerpiece, and that they make the event memorable.


Portrait of Smiling Woman
Smiling Businessman
Smiling Man with Glasses




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